Starring the dream team of experts: YOU!
Supported by our international team of invited consultants from GANIL, CEA, CNRS, European XFEL, ESS, FAIR and GSI.
Let’s sound out in-kind best practice as it emerges, and see how we can apply it to our home institutes and to our host institute, GANIL. We are striving for a large bandwidth of knowledge and experience amongst the invited consultants and the attendees in general.
You are cordially invited to learn, teach and exchange in this open space workshop.
Wait, what? What’s an open space workshop? Please take a look at our introduction to IKBest4 [here]. We will work in groups to develop questions and solutions that are close to our hearts. We are aiming for results that we can take back to our home institutes and apply directly. All the resources that we develop together at IKBest4 will be posted to the workshop wiki, to be shared freely on a creative commons attribute and share-alike basis.
Create an account here : [createaccount] and register now in the [registration] section of the website!
I and the rest of the organisers – Cécile Merlin, Valentin Rocton and Ketel Turzó - are looking forward to welcoming you to GANIL on 24th and 25th April 2018.
Yours sincerely,
Sonia Utermann

Valentin Rocton, Cécile Merlin, Ketel Turzo et Sonia Utermann
The IDEAAL Project : IKBest4 partner
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730989.
IDEAAL started on January 1st, 2017 for three years.
The objectives of the IDEAAL Project are to explore all possibilities to develop GANIL infrastructure, with its new ESFRI SPIRAL2 facility, in order to ensure its long-term sustainability as one of the premiere European research institutes for nuclear physics, interdisciplinary sciences and related applications.
These objectives are:
-To enlarge the present GANIL membership
-To enhance the excellence of access to the infrastructure
-To develop innovation
-To strengthen communication towards all publics
Fulfilling all of these four objectives will allow a well-organized, highly efficient and sustainable development of the current GANIL structure.